
Flowers / Sculpture

This was just a quick idea I had. I had a framed photo from Florence, Italy but decides to give it the flower treatment. Not quite sure about it, but love the juxtaposition of black and white and color. Its also the first time i added a different element than just flowers - that being the little skulls.

Pixelated Flowers

Halftone versions of the flower collages. These are much smaller than the other collages. These are also done on glossy paper to really hi-light the pixelation / halftone of the flowers.

More Flower Collages

These are more flower collages taken in different directions. One is in grey scale, the other a blue scale influenced by Yves Klein and that Yves Klein blue he was so famous for. One element these photos can't communicate is the level of depth created as the various layers of flowers are placed on top of one another.


More New Work

This piece is more in line with some of the older pieces. The copy heavy background with random elements, pictures and themes. I love the juxtaposition of skulls, Renaissance women, vintage photography and eyeballs!

Flowers Collage

This was just finished. It was an idea I had for awhile but wasn't sure how best to execute. Originally, I figured I could round up enough photos of flowers from magazines to create this piece. I realized that wasn't going to work so I decided to shoot photos of roses myself. I then took them into the computer to manipulate the colors, contrast, etc... Everything was then printed on nice photo / linen paper, cut and assembled. It was influenced by a Damien Hirst a freind had bought of butterflies assembled to create a kind of a kaleidoscope effect.


Paris Photos

These are actually from Paris last summer. I just returned from a recent trip all over Italy and London and have some great pics to post from there in the near future. However, this trip got me to thinking about last year. There is just something about Paris.... I just love the architecture and details found within the various buildings in the city. There is always some fascinating angle to which to view from.

Collage 2

This is another set of work that when hung side by side creates the full effect of the gun projecting it's bullets and flowers into the brain of the individual. Instead of blood and guts, its thoughts and ideas!