
Flowers / Sculpture

This was just a quick idea I had. I had a framed photo from Florence, Italy but decides to give it the flower treatment. Not quite sure about it, but love the juxtaposition of black and white and color. Its also the first time i added a different element than just flowers - that being the little skulls.

Pixelated Flowers

Halftone versions of the flower collages. These are much smaller than the other collages. These are also done on glossy paper to really hi-light the pixelation / halftone of the flowers.

More Flower Collages

These are more flower collages taken in different directions. One is in grey scale, the other a blue scale influenced by Yves Klein and that Yves Klein blue he was so famous for. One element these photos can't communicate is the level of depth created as the various layers of flowers are placed on top of one another.


More New Work

This piece is more in line with some of the older pieces. The copy heavy background with random elements, pictures and themes. I love the juxtaposition of skulls, Renaissance women, vintage photography and eyeballs!

Flowers Collage

This was just finished. It was an idea I had for awhile but wasn't sure how best to execute. Originally, I figured I could round up enough photos of flowers from magazines to create this piece. I realized that wasn't going to work so I decided to shoot photos of roses myself. I then took them into the computer to manipulate the colors, contrast, etc... Everything was then printed on nice photo / linen paper, cut and assembled. It was influenced by a Damien Hirst a freind had bought of butterflies assembled to create a kind of a kaleidoscope effect.


Paris Photos

These are actually from Paris last summer. I just returned from a recent trip all over Italy and London and have some great pics to post from there in the near future. However, this trip got me to thinking about last year. There is just something about Paris.... I just love the architecture and details found within the various buildings in the city. There is always some fascinating angle to which to view from.

Collage 2

This is another set of work that when hung side by side creates the full effect of the gun projecting it's bullets and flowers into the brain of the individual. Instead of blood and guts, its thoughts and ideas!

New Art / Collage

I have really been into collage art as of late. These are some recent works exploring a multitude of ideas and thoughts. I think one reason I enjoy this style is the relative cleanliness of the work, much like graphic design. I also enjoy how easily it is to mix concepts, thoughts and ideas.



Photography has been something I always play around with, especially while traveling. These images are from select locales including, Paris, London, New York and Los Angeles.


Melting Painting

This is a painting from a few years back. It is larger in size - about 6 feet wide and 4.5 feet tall. It is in all black and white. The inspiration behind it was to create the appearance of something just absolutely melting or dissolving. The painting was also inspired by how the oils engrained within the asphalt on the street react to the season's first rain storms - except in black and white.

New Work 2

Another new piece and detail shot.

New Art Work

Painting and art in general have always been a big part of my life. These are some recent works (and detail shots) from over the last couple of weeks. They are very graphic designed orientated in terms of layout and typography. In the background, I have hi-lighted select words from the text of the magazines to create a new story line. The foreground elements are assembled collage style to illustrate the new prose.


Davi Wine Infused Truffles

Another new product Davi is going to introdue are wine infused chocolate truffles. The formula was created with an award winning chocolatier and they are of exceptional taste and quality. The packaging design direction reflects the Davi brand and the use of the linen and chromekote papers as well as the gold foiled label communicate the luxury aspect and high quality of the product found within.

Davi Press and PR

We have been fortunate to receive some amazing press and PR on Davi and the products. This is just a quick assemblage of some. To see it all, please go to the Davi website and click on the Advertising ad PR link.


Davi Skin Website

The Davi website was designed in conjunction with Lloyd + Co and Mark Bartlett at Intersect NYC. We wanted to keep the site simple yet beautiful, informative but not overwhelming. The site was designed in Flash so I encourage you to link to it for the full experience.

Davi Airline Amenities

Building upon the success of the Davi in-room amenities for Peninsula Hotels, we decided to enter the airline amenity business for select carriers' first and business class passengers.

For the Peninsula, we created a program exclusively for them that was different from our standard line in terms of design and more in tune with the Peninsula brand direction. With the airline amenities, we stuck as close to possible to the Davi retail men's line in terms of components, style and color / graphic treatment.


Davi for Peninsula Hotels

Since the launch of Davi we have been very fortunate to have been approached for several unique projects. Peninsula Hotels, which are some of the nicest hotels in the world, approached us about providing them with their in-room amenity products for all of their properties worldwide. We jumped at the chance and ultimately landed the account ahead of brands such as Hermes, Asprey and Bulgari.

As of September of 2007, Davi is now the official in-room brand at all Peninsula Hotels worldwide.

Davi Corporate Office

The Davi corporate offices are in Marina Del Rey, California. We found an amazing space that was totally raw when we moved in. It was literally a vast open space with cement floors and lofted ceilings. I was able to sit down with the contractor and literally draw out and design the space down to the littlest details. Further, I desinged much of the furniture and oversaw the decor and color scheme of the office space.

Davi Corporate Identity

For the corporate identity pieces (Letterhead, Stationary, Business Cards and Envelopes) of Davi, we wanted to keep the design and layout clean and understated. Again, it was all in the details. The Davi logo is gold foiled and the crest and all of the text are engraved on bright white paper.

Davi Skin Product Brochures

For the Davi line of products, we created 2 product brochures, one for the women's line and one for the men's. The linen covers of the brochures reflected the color and texture of the respective line's packaging. Inside, we kept the text and layout somewhat minimal and called attention to the beautiful photography of the grapes, Napa Valley and the products themselves.

Davi Packaging Detail

I'm extremely proud of how the final packaging turned out for Davi. I collaborated with an amazing design / advertising firm out of New York called Lloyd + Co. From the start, we knew we wanted to create something extremely luxe and unique. From the deisgn of the crest to the final colors chosen, we wanted to create something timeless yet totally relevant now. We used the finest linen and chromekote papers, porcelain components, gold foils, embossed deco treatments, and a variety of other methods to create the final packaging. The quality of materials along with the design has led to an exquisite package that has garnered much press and accolades. I wanted to post a detail shot to show the level of quality in the packaging of our flagship product, Le Grand Cru.

Davi Luxury Skincare

Davi is a company I founded along with my business partner Carlo Mondavi. It is a luxury line of skincare for men and women that is based upon the health benefits of wine. Carlo is the grandson of Napa vintner Robert Mondavi - so now you can understand where the genesis of Davi came from. I serve as the Creative Director and Chief Operating Officer of Davi and handle the design, development, production and marketing of these products.

This is my main focus now and I will post several items related to Davi as it has been my main focus for the last few years.

The picture above is of the initial 9 SKUs we launched in the Fall of 2006 at Bergdorf Goodman in New York. The products with the chocolate colored crest logo and packaging constitute the men's line and the products with the white crest logo and green packaging constitute the women's line.

Grobstein, Horwath & Company LLP Corporate Brochure

After the initial response to the advertisements done for Grobstein, Horwath, and Company LLP, we went ahead and designed a new corporate brochure for the Firm. The layout of the book was a kind of cascading step type design in that each page had it's own tab that can be seen at any point in the book. The challenge was how to create this structure while making sure every page still functioned as its own section. We used architectural imagery and a modern type design to convey a clean, modern and professional look.

Grobstein, Horwath & Company LLP Advertisements

These are 2 out of 3 advertisements for the accounting firm Grobstein, Horwath & Company LLP. It is always a fun challenge to design something outside your normal scope of work - this being for an advertisement for a CPA firm based in Los Angeles. We wanted to bring good design and strong copywriting to communicate the Firm's message and values. The use of modern imagery with a sepia color tone conveyed the firm's experience while creating a relevant image for today.


B&B Italia

B&B Italia is perhaps one of my favorite furniture manufacturers in the world. Everything is so clean and sophisticated and the production quality is quite amazing. These are excerpts from a B&B brochure I designed. The thought process behind the layout was to design a grid and text layout to match the modernity of the products. We also wanted to run large full bleed pics on some pages because sometimes, especially with furniture of this quality, the products speak for themsleves.